Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I must be making this up......

Well it turns out that the impossible has happened!! Well not actually the impossible, but that which I had convinced myself was impossible. After 10 months of trying and crying, I am pregnant. I still feel like a fraud writing these words, it just doesn't feel real, I feel like a little kid who had made up a story and is going to get caught in a lie. I'm not lying though, the pregnancy test says I'm telling the truth!
It is such early days, I'm only 4 weeks and 2 day gone, the baby isn't due until December 11th. That seems so far away but it's not and before I know it it will be fast approaching.
Anyway, what happened? This last week I've been so tired and getting stomach pains that made me think my period was on its way, but it was due yesterday and there was no sign so I sent Jon a text asking him to buy me a test (I was at work), I was going to wait and do the test this morning but I couldn't so I did it last night and it was positive. I can't believe it but it must be true. There is a tiny little life beginning inside me and that is just mind blowing.
I am so thankful. I was convinced this would never happen but God did it all in His own time.


Esteban said...

Wow, I am so happy for you. Congrats! Danielle and I have been trying for a while now. Like you, we feel like it's an impossible task when so many people do it so easily by accident!


Anyway, I am so happy for you guys! Any ideas with names?

Yay! I am so happy for you! :)

Rachael said...

Aww thank you Esteban, I'm really happy too, at least I will be when it sinks in.