Monday, April 10, 2006

5 weeks

Well today I am 5 weeks pregnant! I went to see my dr to tell her and she has refered me to the midwife who I will see me at about 8-10 weeks. I must admit I don't know what I expected when I saw the doctor but I came away a little disappointed, maybe it was just my hormones. I also found out that our local health authority doesn't offer routine 12 week ultrasound scans. :( I was really tearful but I think it's because we live in quite a poor area and the hospital serves a huge number of people and they can't afford to offer 12 week scans to everyone. However I don't think that's right and I'm really upset by it. I'm not sure I can wait til 20 weeks to see my baby. Anyway I will just wait and see what happens and see if I can sweet talk to midwife when I see her! If it's really not possible I could always get a private scan but that costs money!

How am I feeling? I'm tired, though I've been waking quite early in the mornings and once I'm awake that's it. I've started to get a little acid reflux which isn't so nice, I got some heartburn medicine today and that isn't so nice either, but it did work! I've completely gone off chocolate! I'm going shopping for maternity bras tomorrow as things are growing, if you know what I mean!

Baby: is between 2 - 6 mm in length, this week the heart starts to beat, the eyes, mouth, arms and legs are starting to develop.


Anonymous said...

rachaelll, i am so happy for you. are you going to find out the sex of the baby, when you can??? can't wait to see pictures!!! :D

Rachael said...

Hi Sar,

Yeah I want to find out the sex of the baby if I can!
Thanks for your lovely comments!