Tuesday, April 25, 2006

6 weeks (+2 days) (warning, too much information in the post)

No, your eyes do not deceive you, I have only gained 1 day in the past week! This morning I had some (Here's the TMI bit, turn back if you're squeemish!) brownish discharge when I went to the toilet before leaving for work. I immediately burst into tears and phoned work to speak to a colleague who is also a midwife. She said it was probably nothing to worry about but to stay at home and phone my doctor when they opened. Anyway, I got an appointment with a locum doctor for 10.30 and he was lovely, I was really worried that I was over reacting or wasting his time but he asked lots of questions, examined me, reassured me and then phoned the hospital to get me an early scan. My scan was for 11.45 so I went home and then Jon drove me to the hospital. We were seen almost straight away, and I had an internal scan (exactly what it sounds like) which was an "interesting" experience, but completely worth it because we got to see our tiny little baby bean and it's little heart beat! The nurse couldn't see any bleeding and said everything is fine. So I really am pregnant, there really is a tiny baby in there. The only real change is that the scan dated me at 6weeks + 2 days not 7 weeks + 1 day like I thought! So the baby is now due December 17th, it's getting closer to Christmas!

*Update* So I finally managed to scan my scan picture which you should be able to see above. The large black kidney shape is my uterus, the greyish blob at the top on that is baby bean and the white semi-circle below baby is the yolk sac which feeds baby before the placenta is established!


Anonymous said...

i can't even imagine how you must have felt upon seeing your baby for the first time. just thinking about it now sends chills down my spine. even though mark and i are not ready to have a baby right now, we really can't wait for that time in our life. which is why i am definitely vicariously living through you. baha.

keep the updates coming! maybe soon you'll be updating with pictures?!?! :D

Esteban said...

I am glad to hear that everything is fine with your baby bean. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I saw your weebsite from Sarah's blogg. I saw Sarah's blogg from James Timbrell's. I saw James' as he is my Fiance.

Congratulations on your news! I love your blogg and I will def keeping popping in on you.

Sis' in Christ

Natalie (UK)

Rachael said...

Sar: I will try to post the picture, but I don't know if it will be possible as I don't think we have a scanner any more!

Esteban: Thanks! I'm very pleased to hear your news too!

Natalie: Hi! Thanks for showing an interest! I have had a look at your fiance's blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for looking at James' blogg. Unfortunatley he is a little nightmare at blooging lately. But I have started to blogg more on our website:


Anonymous said...

yayyyy, thanks for posting this! i can't wait to see more and see the little one grow!