Thursday, September 21, 2006

3D scan!

Today we went for our 3D scan. I had decided I wanted to have one as I've been feeling a little be detatched from this whole pregnancy thing.
Anyway it was today, and it was the most amazing experience. There is such a different between seeing a 2D image of your baby and seeing her 3D and on video. We saw her moving and yawning and she is beautiful, even now at only 28 weeks!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! IGJDKHGDKHGDFG! YOU CAN SEE HER FACE. that's hot! baha. seriously though, i concur, you can already see she is beautiful. :)

prayers for you mommy. we are very excited. you make me want my own!

Anonymous said...

ps- i just realized that it was 3D. that's so awesome! i didn't even knew they did that. very cool.

Esteban said...

Holy smokes! That is so cool. Man, I am so happy for you all!

Susanna said...

Awesome! Did you have it done privately?

Rachael said...

Sarah, you're so funny, thank you for being so excited!

Esteban, thanks!

Susanna, yeah we had it done privately, it was a birthday present from my mum and brother!