Sunday, May 21, 2006

Double figures and 1/4 of the way there!

Well I have reached 10 weeks pregnant!! Yipee, I know it's not that big a milestone, but it's double figures and 1/4 of my pregnancy so that to me is a pretty big deal! Just 2 weeks to go til we're out of the major danger spot and until we see our baby again!


Anonymous said...

aww *hugs* yay for ten months! sorry i haven't been here in a little while. i've been really sick the past week. i think it came from painting like a crazy and then i got a stomach virus. i'm starting to feel a bit better. i hope it lasts!!! love you!

Rachael said...

You're so funny Sar, 10 weeks!! not 10 months. Sorry you've been sick :o(

Anonymous said...

Congrautulations on reaching 10 weeks Rachael.

Post some photos of the baby bump if you can.



Anonymous said...
