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No, your eyes do not deceive you, I have only gained 1 day in the past week! This morning I had some (Here's the TMI bit, turn back if you're squeemish!) brownish discharge when I went to the toilet before leaving for work. I immediately burst into tears and phoned work to speak to a colleague who is also a midwife. She said it was probably nothing to worry about but to stay at home and phone my doctor when they opened. Anyway, I got an appointment with a locum doctor for 10.30 and he was lovely, I was really worried that I was over reacting or wasting his time but he asked lots of questions, examined me, reassured me and then phoned the hospital to get me an early scan. My scan was for 11.45 so I went home and then Jon drove me to the hospital. We were seen almost straight away, and I had an internal scan (exactly what it sounds like) which was an "interesting" experience, but completely worth it because we got to see our tiny little baby bean and it's little heart beat! The nurse couldn't see any bleeding and said everything is fine. So I really am pregnant, there really is a tiny baby in there. The only real change is that the scan dated me at 6weeks + 2 days not 7 weeks + 1 day like I thought! So the baby is now due December 17th, it's getting closer to Christmas!*Update* So I finally managed to scan my scan picture which you should be able to see above. The large black kidney shape is my uterus, the greyish blob at the top on that is baby bean and the white semi-circle below baby is the yolk sac which feeds baby before the placenta is established!
Okay, so I'm six weeks pregnant now, well six weeks and 1 day! I would have posted yesterday but I've been working nights so I've been asleep during the day.
Well I don't feel much different to last week, still very tired (even more so due to nights). I've requested to change from long to short shifts at work. I usually work (3) 11 1/2 hour shifts a week but I've really been struggling to get through those days, so I'm going to have a go at doing (5) 7 1/2 hour shifts instead. I will be difficult being a work 5 days a week when I'm used to having 4 days off but I need to give this a go. I'm also not going to work nights again for a while, so last night was the last one for a while, yay!
Anyway, what happening with baby?
This week the head begins to form followed by chest and abdomen. The immature heart is beating. Blood cells are circulating. Blood vessels are forming in the umbilical cord to the placenta. There are small depressions where the eyes will develop and the beginning of a mouth. The lower jaw is visible. There are arms and leg buds. Length 6mm (1/4 inch)
Well today I am 5 weeks pregnant! I went to see my dr to tell her and she has refered me to the midwife who I will see me at about 8-10 weeks. I must admit I don't know what I expected when I saw the doctor but I came away a little disappointed, maybe it was just my hormones. I also found out that our local health authority doesn't offer routine 12 week ultrasound scans. :( I was really tearful but I think it's because we live in quite a poor area and the hospital serves a huge number of people and they can't afford to offer 12 week scans to everyone. However I don't think that's right and I'm really upset by it. I'm not sure I can wait til 20 weeks to see my baby. Anyway I will just wait and see what happens and see if I can sweet talk to midwife when I see her! If it's really not possible I could always get a private scan but that costs money!
How am I feeling? I'm tired, though I've been waking quite early in the mornings and once I'm awake that's it. I've started to get a little acid reflux which isn't so nice, I got some heartburn medicine today and that isn't so nice either, but it did work! I've completely gone off chocolate! I'm going shopping for maternity bras tomorrow as things are growing, if you know what I mean!
Baby: is between 2 - 6 mm in length, this week the heart starts to beat, the eyes, mouth, arms and legs are starting to develop.
Well yesterday after my driving lesson I phoned my mum and told her she's going to be a Grandma!! She was so pleased, she came very close to crying. It's strange telling people as in a way that makes it all the more real. So many people are superstitious about telling people before 12 weeks, but I'm not superstitious and I know that taking about my pregnancy is not going to cause things to go wrong. I want to tell a few people as I will need support if anything does go wrong. We're not going to tell everyone yet and we'll wait as long as we can before we tell most of our friends and work colleagues, but we want our families to know. Anyway after I told my mum I called my brother and told him! He was very shocked and I don't think it had expected that news. Later on he texted me to apologise for being a bit weird on the phone and that he's really happy for us! So tomorrow we tell Jon's family!
I'm working a night tonight so that will be interesting, I've been so tired lately I don't know how I'm going to be able to stay awake all night! I think I will have a nap this afternoon.
Anyway, in answer to your question Esteban, yes we do have names decided. I've always known that if I have a boy he will be Thomas after my dad. We also like James. Girls names we like are Isabel and Eleanor.
Well it turns out that the impossible has happened!! Well not actually the impossible, but that which I had convinced myself was impossible. After 10 months of trying and crying, I am pregnant. I still feel like a fraud writing these words, it just doesn't feel real, I feel like a little kid who had made up a story and is going to get caught in a lie. I'm not lying though, the pregnancy test says I'm telling the truth!
It is such early days, I'm only 4 weeks and 2 day gone, the baby isn't due until December 11th. That seems so far away but it's not and before I know it it will be fast approaching.
Anyway, what happened? This last week I've been so tired and getting stomach pains that made me think my period was on its way, but it was due yesterday and there was no sign so I sent Jon a text asking him to buy me a test (I was at work), I was going to wait and do the test this morning but I couldn't so I did it last night and it was positive. I can't believe it but it must be true. There is a tiny little life beginning inside me and that is just mind blowing.
I am so thankful. I was convinced this would never happen but God did it all in His own time.