Sunday, May 21, 2006

Double figures and 1/4 of the way there!

Well I have reached 10 weeks pregnant!! Yipee, I know it's not that big a milestone, but it's double figures and 1/4 of my pregnancy so that to me is a pretty big deal! Just 2 weeks to go til we're out of the major danger spot and until we see our baby again!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Well if you look below you should see my scan photo from April as I finally managed to scan it and post it. I found out the other day at work that I can get a free nuchal scan because I work at the hospital. Normally if I wanted one it would cost £90. For those that don't know, this test tells you your risk of having a baby with Downs. Now I wouldn't have paid for this test and if it comes back high risk I won't act on the results as in I would never have an abortion, however I would like to know in advance what to expect if I was going to have a baby with Downs. Anyway, this is also a normal 12 weeks scan, we will be able to see our baby and if I didn't have this scan I was told by my midwife that I might not get one til 16 weeks. So really I'm just very excited about seeing my baby in 2 weeks time! So June 5th is the date!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

9 weeks

Well today I am 9 weeks pregnant and I had my booking appointment with my midwife. It went well, she's very nice and Lucy really liked her!! She (the cat) kept trying to climb in the Andrea's (the midwife) lap. My bp was fine, there was no protein or glucose in my wee! It turns out I will get a 12 week scan though it might be a bit closer to 16 weeks, I will also get a scan around 20 weeks. I'll see Andrea next around 16 weeks and I have to have blood tests done around 12 weeks :(

Here is what Babycenter says about baby at 9 weeks.
"His eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. He has earlobes, and by week's end, the inner workings of his ears will be complete. His upper lip is fully formed, too, and his mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The tips of his fingers are slightly enlarged where his touch pads are developing. All major joints — his shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles — are working, enabling your baby to move his limbs. As for his heart, it has divided into four chambers now, and the valves have started to develop. External sex organs are there, but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks."

As for me, I'm doing fine, still no morning sickness!! Just very tired at times and taking lots of naps.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

7 weeks (+6 days)

Sorry I've not updated in over a week. This pregnancy lark is tiring! I did have 4 days off over the bank holiday but we were busy, seeing friends and visiting Jon's grandmother, we also got some work done in the garden (well Jon did!)
So I will be 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow! So far I haven't had any morning sickness, I did feel a little nauseous earlier in the week but I think I was just hungry! I've been told that it could still start, but I'm really hoping I will be one of the fortunate ones. I met my midwife on Monday, she had said she would phone me but while I was in the shower Jon came and told me she had turned up at the door!! I was really worried that we had arrange this and I had forgotten but we hadn't, she had been in the area and decided to drop by instead of phoning. I personally would have prefered she phoned before dropping in, esp as I had to go speak to her with wet hair and wearing my pyjamas! Anyway, she seems nice, she has left my notes and will come and do my booking in appointment on the 14th which is a Sunday which I thought was a bit weird but it's early at 9, so I will still be able to go to church.

Well according to my book, baby is 1 inch long and weighs about 1/10 oz!
The baby has a face with a nose, mouth and tongue, the heart and internal organs are established! Baby is also moving around a lot though I can't feel it yet!!