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Today we went for our 3D scan. I had decided I wanted to have one as I've been feeling a little be detatched from this whole pregnancy thing.
Anyway it was today, and it was the most amazing experience. There is such a different between seeing a 2D image of your baby and seeing her 3D and on video. We saw her moving and yawning and she is beautiful, even now at only 28 weeks!
Okay so I'm really bad at updating! Sorry Sar!
I've been fine if a little emotional and unpredictable at times.
I was in Ireland last week visiting my mum and brother.
I'm 26 weeks pregnant today and getting bigger, baby is very active and loves to kick and wriggle!
Jon's mum has been knitting and we've been shopping so this little girl is going to have more clothes than she knows what to do with!
I start my maternity leave in 6 weeks! Well 3 weeks annual leave followed by 26 weeks maternity leave. That makes my return to work date May 13th 2007! I've posted a picture of my bump taken 3 weeks ago at a friend's wedding. I'm much bigger now, I'll get Jon to take some pictures at the weekend!